Friday, September 25, 2009


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OK, so I love Ben Foster, but he's one of those actors that just doesn't always take the greatest roles, though is usually good in each role despite the crap movies he's in. He's had some great roles though too. If you've seen 3:10 To Yuma (and you SHOULD HAVE), he was fantastic as Charlie Prince! I remember him all the way back in the day from a little show on the Disney channel, and then again from a few episodes of Freaks and Geeks (one of my ALL TIME favorite TV shows). More recently he was in Hostage, Alpha Dog, and X-Men 3. Dennis Quaid is also in Pandorum, and other than... or wait... nope. That guy hasn't made a good film in 5 years(?)... 10 years(???). That doesn't give me much hope for this movie. *sigh*

OK, so I'm reviewing this right away in hopes that I can help you save yourself $10! To sum it up, THANK GOD I SAW THIS FOR FREE!!! It started out odd, but decent enough, and them got progressively more and more odd and off track. There were little bits of plot that seemed to be there for the sake of filling time or just trying to give it an added depth (for which it failed miserably)!

The film opens with a scene from inside some giant spacecraft thing and the only character that we really see later is Gallo (Cam Gigandet), but that's not til later in the film. Oh, SIDENOTE COMPLAINT: Gigandet has a amazing body... that they DON'T show off! What's up with that??? Anyway, Peyton (Quaid) and Bower (Foster) are out of these frozen pod things and wondering where they are and how long they've been there. Bower starts to remember a little bit and realizes that he was part of a mission (based on the tattoo barcode-ish type thing on his arm). He decides that he's going to investigate and explore the rest of this seemingly empty huge spacecraft thing. To make a long (lame and drawn out) story short, Peyton is verbally guiding Bower around from the control room. They realize that their families are also on another part of the spacecraft somewhere, so Bower decides to try to find his wife ONLY TO FIND OUT LATER THAT SHE LEFT HIM BEFORE HE WENT ON THE MISSION, WHICH WAS THE REASON HE ENROLLED IN THE FIRST PLACE! He supposedly finds Peyton's wife's capsule, but I think we find out that they're all dead. Either way, it's a dead end plot line that is completely unnecessary! It doesn't lent to the film at all! Bower meets a few other humans along the way (all of which I can't remember their names because I don't recall them being mentioned). They spend the entire film fending off these alien-type creatures that look brainless, but are apparently smart enough to rig up booby-traps all over the place to catch and kill the humans.

In the meantime, back in the control room, Gallo emerges and is poorly acted by Cam Gigandet. I didn't really get his take on the ship's situation. Is he a newer crew member? Older? Well... we find out soon enough that Gallo is actually Peyton and deals with this BS cop-out time space continuum (SIDENOTE: I just spell checked "continuum"... I didn't realize there was another word in the English language that had consecutive "u"s besides vacuum). ENDING SPOILER: Bower makes it back to the control room and the few survivors shoot off in little pods to land in the ocean of some planet that is fairly earth-like to assume that the 1200ish survivors can now rebuild the human population on this new planet... Eff that!

Overall, I give this an enthusiastic thumbs down!!! Like I said, THANK GOD I didn't pay for this 2 hour waste of time! It actualy started with promise, but went to crap FAST!

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